Month: January 2014

  • Who Wrote It?

    Impromptu in Gb, Op. 90 No. 3        Franz Schubert (1797-1828) One morning, Schubert brought singer Michael Vogl several songs for his perusal. Busy at the moment, Vogl set them aside and examined them later when he had opportunity. He liked one especially, but it was too high for him, so he transposed…

  • The Dove Descending

    “Immersed in the River of Life” W. Zeitler The Texts for this Sunday are about Jesus’ baptism, a story which follows right on the heels of Jesus’ incarnation. With that in mind, there is a sense in which His incarnation itself is a brief plunge into the river of human life. A plunge down, down,…

  • John the Baptist

    Precatio a Cetis Magnis (Prayer of the Great Whales) W. Zeitler Improvisation on “God of the Sparrow, God of the Whales” Voluntary Latimer (1783-1724) In this morning’s Scriptures we have the story of John the Baptist — a lone wild figure in the wild-erness. The story emphasizes his wildness by pointing out that he wears…