Month: April 2014
The Imprint of the Nails
The Bible says remarkably little about Heaven, but the tacit assumption is that we’ll all get nice shiny new 25-year-old bodies, with no receding hairlines or sagging anything. But the Gospel appointed for today – the well-known story of ‘Doubting Thomas’ – puts a different spin on that assumption. Because the Resurrected Christ still has…
Psalm 23
“The King of Love My Shepherd Is” [PIANO, lack of composer is deliberate] “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” Improvisation In a Christian adult-ed class once upon a time in a galaxy far away, we were asked to write a paraphrase of Psalm 23. Below you’ll find mine. By the way, in my humble opinion…
Jean-Baptiste Faure
Jean-Baptiste Faure (1830-1914) was no relation to the better known composer Gabriel Fauré (notice that J.-B. Faure’s name does not have an accent over the last ‘e’ so it is pronounced "for", whereas G. Fauré’s has the accent and is therefore pronounced "forAY"). Faure was born into a house of modest means at best, and when…
Mozart and ‘Flow’
Sonata in Am (K310) W. Mozart (1756-1791) Chorale Prelude on 'Breathe on me Breath of God" W. Zeitler Toccata in Dm 'Dorian' J.S.Bach (1685-1750) It’s hard to translate the value of money in centuries past to its equivalent in modern times. But by all appearances, Mozart did O.K. financially overall. To be sure it was…