Month: August 2014

  • Labor Day – “Bureaucratic Sonatina”

    Bureaucratic Sonatina E. Satie (1866–1925)  Narrator: Pat Morris [Text] He walks merrily to his office, full of himself. Contentedly he wags his head. He loves a pretty, most elegant lady. He also loves his penholder, his green lustrous cuffs, and his chines cap. He takes long strides; he hurries to the stairs and mounts them…

  • Busted!

    Invocation C. Gounod (1818–1893) Chorale Prelude on "Here, O Our Lord, We See You Face to Face" Prelude in Bb J.S.Bach (1685-1750) The concert pianist Charles Hallé visited Paris to give a recital, and afterwards went to a reception where he met Gounod. Gounod seized him by both hands and thanked him profusely for the…