Month: February 2016

  • “Moonlight Sonata”

    “Moonlight Sonata” 1st mvmt.   L. Beethoven (1770-1826) The “Moonlight Sonata” has become standard fare for beginning piano students (including yours truly) so we’ve all heard it played — um — less than skillfully. I thought you might enjoy hearing it played well. In this piece it never ceases to amaze me how Ludwig uses such simple…

  • Labyrinths

    “A Little Harmonic Labyrinth” Bach? Heinichen? Bacon? Fugue on “B A C H” J.S.Bach (1685-1750) Gavotte in Gm G.F.Handel (1685-1757) A new feature here at our church is our labyrinth: in a ‘labyrinth’ you don’t have any choices — there’s only one path, whereas in a ‘maze’ you have choices along the way. Mythology tells…

  • Choice

    Passacaglia in Cm (BWV 582) J.S.Bach (1685-1750) ORGAN “The Glory of these Forty Days” (No postlude) There is no question that the scientific method is one of the great cognitive inventions of humanity. But then there’s Scientific Materialism (arguably the dominant ‘civil religion’ of our day), which believes that the Scientific Method is the ONLY…

  • The Cuckoo

    “The Cuckoo”      L.C. D’Aquin (1694-1772) This Sunday is the last Sunday before Lent. Tuesday is Mardi Gras, which means “Fat Tuesday” in French, so I suppose this Sunday could be “Fat Sunday.” For the occasion I thought something plain-olde fun would be fun — within the bounds of proper-Presbyterianism and the “frozen chosen,”…