Month: May 2016

  • Trinity Sunday

    Prelude in Eb (“St. Anne”) J.S.Bach (1685-1750) “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” Fugue in Eb (“St. Anne”) J.S.Bach (1685-1750) The world-famous cellist Pablo Casals tells the story: One day I told my father I needed to find some new solo music for the Café Pajarera. Together we set off on the search. For…

  • Fanny Mendelssohn

    Andante con Espressione    Fanny Mendelssohn (1805-1847)  Fanny Mendelssohn was the oldest of four children, her younger brother being the famous Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847). Fanny received her first piano instruction from her mother, who had been a student of Johann Kirnberger (1721–1783), who was himself a student of J.S. Bach (1685-1750). As a thirteen year old,…

  • Divine & Human

    Prelude in C (BWV 547) J.S. Bach (1685-1750) A couple Sundays ago Sandy discussed Jesus’ divinity vs. humanity, how this conundrum was at the top of the agenda at the Council of Nicea in 325 CE, and how they resolved that Jesus was “both fully human and fully divine.” Although that doctrinal question may have been…