Month: June 2016

  • Father Mozart

    Variations on “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” (1778) W. Mozart (1756-1791) Wolfgang Mozart married Constanze Weber (1762–1842) when he was 28 — she was 22 — and together they had six children, only two of whom survived Wolfgang. The elder son was Karl Thomas Mozart (1784-1858), a gifted pianist who turned his attention to commerce. His…

  • Tacet

    This week’s Music Box is ‘tacet’ because it’s ‘Youth Sunday’. ‘Tacet’ is Latin for ‘is silent’, and it’s the music term for ‘don’t play’. In a set of orchestral parts, for example, if the 3rd bassoon doesn’t play, there will be a printed part that says ‘3rd bassoon: tacet’. You’d think this is odd –…