Month: February 2020
Different Kinds of Love
Easily the most important word in the New Testament is ‘Love’. English has only the one word for Love, which causes no end of confusion, but Greek has several to keep things straight. Probably the best known is AGAPĒ (“ah-GAH-pay”). Sometimes this is referred to as “God’s Love”, but in John 3 we read “For…
Rengetsu — “Lotus Moon”
I recently encountered the story of Rengetsu (1791-1875) — a Japanese Buddhist nun with an extraordinary story. She was the love child of a geisha and a high ranking samurai. At 10 days old she was adopted by new parents. As a teen she was called to serve as an attendant at Kameoka Castle, and…
In Nomine J. Taverner (1490-1575) [ORGAN] "All Who Love and Server Your City" Improvisation Last week our assigned Gospel text was the Beatitudes, but my zeal to share the story of Rengetsu the Japanese Buddhist nun preempted me from commenting on it. So I thought I’d share a few thoughts on the Beatitudes this week.…