Month: March 2021
“Our Daily Bread”
Translations of Scripture are marvels of scholarship, and the standard translations are as accurate as translations can be. But of course, much is still ‘lost in the translation’. All translations of anything have this problem. To me a translation is like a black and white photo and the original is ‘living color’ — the black…
Welcoming the Stranger
Two particularly prominent issues today are racism and genderism. And they vitally need to be addressed. As I consider these issues, it seems to me these are part of a larger Problem. Namely — rejection and oppression of those who are different from us — whether that be skin color, gender attitudes, religion, political views,…
“God Thus Loved the World…”
This week I thought we might consider one of the more famous verses in the Bible, namely John 3:16: “For God thus AGAPĒ-loved the KOSMOS, that He gave his only-begotten son…” AGAPĒ is probably the most famous Greek word in the New Testament, and rightly so. Now, Greek lexicons (dictionaries of dead languages) are great,…
“One Doesn’t Live by Bread Alone”
I‘ve been working with the Greek New Testament for decades — 2.5 years of college Biblical Greek, ongoing personal study since then including working through every verse in the Greek New Testament at least once, as well as working with other Greek literature from the era including the Septuagint (a translation of the Hebrew Bible…