Month: June 2021

  • “Row, Row, Row your Boat”

    The well known song “Row, Row, Row your Boat” is a musical “round”: one melodic line, and one person/group starts singing it, and at least one other/group starts singing the same melody but starting at, say, bar two, and they fit together. Wikipedia has a good article on them. Normally a round like “Row Row…

  • Labyrinths

    There is love in the labyrinth There is darkness in the labyrinth The exit may not be where you think it is — Unknown Attentive readers will have noticed the mazes I’ve been using to decorate my blogs (such as the one above). Meanwhile, I’ve been doing further research on mazes and labyrinths… Of course…

  • Some Imaginings on “Imagination”

    Some Imaginings on “Imagination”

    Down through the ages there have been various imaginations about ‘what is imagination?’ One of the more interesting is by Samuel Coleridge (1772–1834), the 19th century poet famous for “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” and “Kubla Khan”. Coleridge said there were three types of imagination.[efn_note]Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and H. J. Jackson. Samuel Taylor Coleridge…

  • “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself”

    “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself”

    In one of the core passages in the New Testament, Jesus says that “all the law and the prophets” can be summarized in two commandments:[efn_note]Matt 22:37 ff. Both of these commandments are themselves quotations from the Jewish Scriptures/Old Testament, namely Deut.6:5 and Lev.19:18.[/efn_note] “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your…