Month: May 2022

  • Isaac Watts & “Jesus Shall Reign”

    Prelude in C BWV 547    J.S. Bach [ORGAN] Meditation on “Jesus Shall Reign” [ORGAN] Improvisation [ORGAN] Being Ascension Sunday, I thought a Big Bach organ piece was in order. He builds this particular piece on a slight variation of ascending scale, namely Do Re Mi | Mi Fa So | So La Ti |…

  • Proofs for the Existence of God

    Sanctuary of Faith                 W. Zeitler [PIANO] Musing on “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” [ORGAN] The Order of Chivalry: Justice & the Knight’s Sword [ORGAN] In a previous Music Box I mentioned that Kurt Gödel (1906-1978, whom Einstein said was the greatest logician since Aristotle) developed a proof for…

  • Hildegard von Bingen

    O Virtus Sapiente (“O Power of Wisdom”) Hildegard of Bingen (c.1098-1179) [PIANO] Susan Addington – Flute [THE FOLLOWING TEXT GOES WITH THE PRELUDE] O power of Wisdom who circles circling, enclosing all in one life-giving journey, you have three wings: one soars into heaven, and another draws moisture from the earth, and the third lies…