Month: August 2023
God and Gnosis
“A Leaf in the Wind” W. Zeitler Improvisation In the last Music Box I discussed the difference between two Greek words for ‘knowledge’: EPISTĒMĒ and GNŌSIS. (Greek has many more words for knowledge than just these two.) EPISTĒMĒ is knowing all about something, while GNŌSIS is direct personal experience. If EPISTĒMĒ is about knowing…
‘Knowledge’ is yet another English word where Greek has many words making distinctions we too easily gloss over in English. Two words for ‘knowledge’ I’d like to talk about are EPISTĒMĒ and GNŌSIS. The simplest way to explain the difference is with an example: You can study all about swimming, the hydrodynamics of water, the…
“It Is Well With My Soul”
“It Is Well With My Soul” William Carol [PIANO] Improvisation The text to “It Is Well With My Soul” was written by Horatio Spafford (1828-1888) after traumatic events in Spafford’s life. First there was the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 which ruined him financially…
Translation of Holy Writ
“The Dance of Life and Death” W. Zeitler Improvisation Translation is tricky business, and none trickier than translating Holy Writ — trying to bridge the gap between very disparate cultures. Yet another example of this is translating ‘man’ from 1st century…