Psalm 2

  1. Why did the nations rage,
    and the peoples contemplate empty things?
  2. The kings of the earth stood together
    and the rulers gathered together
    Against the Lord and against his anointed-one.

Musical Interlude

  1. Let us burst their bonds
    And cast their yoke from us.
  2. The one dwelling in the heavens will laugh at them,
    The Lord will mock them.
  3. Then He will speak to them in his wrath,
    And in His anger He will trouble them.
  4. But I was established king by him,
    On Sion, His holy mountain,
  5. Proclaiming the ordinance of the Lord.
    The Lord said to me: You are my son,
    Today I have begotten you.
  6. Ask of me, and I will give to you the nations for your inheritance
    And your possession to the ends of the earth.
  7. You will shepherd them with a rod of iron
    You will smash them like a potter’s vessel.
  8. And now, kings, understand this:
    Be instructed, all judging the earth.
  9. Serve the Lord in fear,
    And rejoice in Him with trembling.
  10. Seize instruction, lest the lord be angry,
    And you will perish in the righteous road
    When his anger swiftly blazes.
    Blessed are all those persuaded by Him.


Verse 1

“contemplate” Same word as in Psalm 1:2 (the blessed person contemplates the Law of the Lord day and night).

Verse 2

“anointed-one”: The Greek word for ‘anointed-one’ is ChRISTOS.

“Musical Interlude”: The Hebrew word is ‘selah’, and the Greek word is DIAPsLMA. One interpretation of these words is that a musical interlude is wanted, so one has been provided. See my blog on ‘Selah‘.

Verse 9

“rod of iron”: the word for ‘rod’ here can also mean ‘magic wand’. Since the context is ‘shepherding’, ‘rod’ as in a shepherd’s rod seems indicated here.

Verse 12

“Blessed”: MAKARIOS again, as in Ps. 1:1.

“Persuaded” The Greek word PISTOS is usually translated ‘believe’, ‘trust’. Instead, the word here is PEIThŌ which has the nuance of being persuaded or convinced.

For more about this translation, see my blog “The Septuagint Psalms”.


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