Psalm 8

  1. At the end. Over the wine vats. A Psalm. Pertaining to Dauid.
  2. O Lord, our Lord, how marvelous is your name in all the earth.
  3. Out of the mouths of infants and nurslings you have brought forth praise,
    because of your enemies
    to put down the enemy and avenger,
  4. because I will observe the heavens, the works of your fingers
    the moon and stars, which you have established.
  5. What is a human, that you remember him,
    the son of humanity, that you care for him?
  6. You diminished him a little compared to angels,
    with renown and honor you have crowned him.
  7. And you have set him over the works of your hands,
    You have subjected everything under his feet,
  8. sheep and cattle altogether,
    and furthermore the creatures of the plain,
  9. The birds of heaven and the fish in the sea
    — the things passing through the paths of the seas.
  10. O Lord, our Lord, how marvelous is your name in all the earth.