Psalm 9/10

  1. At the end. Over the secrets of the son. A Psalm. Pertaining to Dauid.
  2. I will acknowledge you, O Lord, with my whole heart;
    I describe all your wonders.
  3. I will be glad and will rejoice in you;
    I will sing a psalm to your name, O Most High.
  4. When my enemy turns back, rearwards,
    they will grow weak and will perish before your countenance,
  5. because you made my right and my cause;
    you sat on a throne, you judging with righteousness.
  6. You rebuked nations, and the impious perished;
    their name you blotted out forever and forever and ever.
  7. The swords of the enemy failed completely, and cities you took down;
    the memory of them perished with a roar.
  8. And the Lord remains forever;
    he prepared his throne in judgment.
  9. And it is he who will judge the world with righteousness;
    he will judge peoples with straightness.
  10. And the Lord became a refuge for the laborer,
    a helper at opportune times in affliction.
  11. And let those knowing your name hope in you,
    because you did not forsake those seeking you, O Lord.
  12. Sing psalms to the Lord residing in Sion.
    Declare his practices among the nations,
  13. because while avenging blood he remembered them;
    he did not forget the cry of the laborer.
  14. Have mercy on me, O Lord.
    See my humiliation from my enemies;
    you are the one lifting me up from the gates of death
  15. so that I may proclaim all your praises
    in the gates of daughter Sion;
    I will rejoice in your salvation.
  16. Nations have been planted in the rot they made;
    in this trap, which they hid, their own foot was caught.
  17. The Lord is known when he executes judgments;
    the sinner was caught in the work of his own hands.

Ode of an interlude on strings

  1. Let sinners be turned away to Hades,
    all the nations forgetting God.
  2. Because the poor will not be completely forgotten,
    the endurance of the laborers will not perish forever.
  3. Arise, O Lord! Do not let humanity prevail;
    let nations be judged before you.
  4. Set a lawgiver over them, O Lord;
    let nations know that they are human.

Interlude on strings

  1. Why, O Lord, do you withdraw afar —
    do you overlook at opportune times in affliction?
  2. When the impious behaves arrogantly, the poor is set on fire;
    they are being caught in the schemes they devise,
  3. because the sinner praises himself for the desires of his soul,
    and the one acting unjustly commends himself.
  4. The sinner provoked the Lord,
    “According to the fullness of his wrath he will not seek out.”
    God is not before him.
  5. His ways are desecrated at every opportunity;
    your judgments are being removed from before him;
    over all his enemies he will exercise dominion.
  6. For he said in his heart, “I shall not be shaken,
    from generation to generation without adversity”—
  7. him whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness and deceit;
    under his tongue are grief and hardship.
  8. He sits in ambush with the rich,
    in secret places to kill the innocent.
    His eyes focus on the laborer;
  9. he lurks in secret like a lion in its cave;
    he lurks to seize the poor,
    that he may seize a poor one by dragging him off.
  10. In his trap he will humble him;
    he will stoop and fall when he exercises dominion over the laborers.
  11. For he said in his heart, “God has forgotten;
    he turned away his countenance so as not to be seeing it at all.”
  12. Arise, O Lord God; let your hand be lifted up;
    do not forget the laborers.
  13. Why were the impious provoking God?
    For he said in his heart, “He will not search earnestly!”
  14. You see, because you note labor and anger,
    to deliver them into your hands;
    the poor has abandoned himself to you;
    you were one helping the orphan.
  15. Crush the arm of the sinner and wicked;
    his sin will be sought out,
    and he will not be found on account of it.
  16. The Lord is king forever, and forever and ever;
    you will perish, O nations, from his land.
  17. O Lord you listened to the desire of the needy;
    your ear inclined to the preparation of their heart,
  18. to do justice for the orphan and the humble
    so that a human on the earth may not add to boast.


Verse 3

“Sing a psalm”: or “play the harp”

Verse 12

“Sing psalms”: or “play the harp”

Verse 24

“desires”: EPIThUMIA — Same Greek word as in “you shall not covet

Verse 27

“I shall not be shaken”: Greek uses double (and occasionally triple) negatives for emphasis. “not” here is a double negative.

Verse 36

“he will not be found”: Greek uses double (and occasionally triple) negatives for emphasis. “not” here is a double negative.

Verse 37

“his land”: or “his earth”

Verse 38

“desire of the needy”: “desire” = EPIThuMIA. EPIThUMIA is bad in vs 24, apparently good here.