Author: william
Proofs for the Existence of God
Sanctuary of Faith W. Zeitler [PIANO] Musing on “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” [ORGAN] The Order of Chivalry: Justice & the Knight’s Sword [ORGAN] In a previous Music Box I mentioned that Kurt Gödel (1906-1978, whom Einstein said was the greatest logician since Aristotle) developed a proof for…
Hildegard von Bingen
O Virtus Sapiente (“O Power of Wisdom”) Hildegard of Bingen (c.1098-1179) [PIANO] Susan Addington – Flute [THE FOLLOWING TEXT GOES WITH THE PRELUDE] O power of Wisdom who circles circling, enclosing all in one life-giving journey, you have three wings: one soars into heaven, and another draws moisture from the earth, and the third lies…
Kurt Godel (Part 2)
Last week I talked about Kurt Gödel (1906-1978), whom Einstein said was “the greatest logician since Aristotle.” Amongst Gödel’s papers found after he passed was a proof for the existence of God. I’ve been asked to expand on that, so, sure, I’ll do my best! But first, more context will be helpful. In my mind…
Kurt Gödel
“A Day Dawns” W. Zeitler [Piano] Order of Chivalry: Truth W. Zeitler [Organ] One of the major mathematicians of the 20th century was Kurt Gödel (1906–1978), who dropped a major thought bomb right in the middle of mathematics much like Einstein (1879-1955) dropped one in the…
April 1, 2017: Widor
Toccata in F D. Buxtehude (1637–1707) [ORGAN] Toccata from Organ Symphony No. 5 C.-M. Widor (1844-1937) [ORGAN] Charles-Marie Widor was born in to a family of organ builders, and initially studied music — especially organ — with his father. The French organ builder Aristide…
The Passing of an Icon
Prelude in Bm (BWV 544) J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Fugue in Bm Scholars say that the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) — in terms of percentage of the population that perished — was the deadliest in European history. It was a religious war between Catholics and Protestants. Some of that was religious ideology. Meanwhile, some kings and…
Recognizing Reality
Any refusal to recognize reality, for any reason, has disastrous consequences. — Ayn Rand Prayer as it is usually approached seems strange to me. Let’s see if I’ve got this right: my friend has cancer, so I pray to God that She heal her. So in other words, God wasn’t going to heal her, but…
The Path Up and Down
The ancient literature of the Mediterranean world is rather divided whether you go ‘up’ to find wisdom/enlightenment, or ‘down’. Interestingly, John’s gospel (John 1:51) talks about angels both ascending and descending on the Son of Humanity. (BTW, the Greek word for ‘Man’ in the phrase commonly translated “Son of Man” is actually gender neutral. “Son…
Padre Soler
Fanfare A. Soler (1729–1783) [ORGAN] Concerto in Am Vivaldi (1678-1741)/Bach (1685-1750) [ORGAN] Antonio Soler was a Spanish composer whose works span the late Baroque and early Classical music eras. He is best known for his keyboard sonatas, an important contribution to the harpsichord, fortepiano and organ repertoire. Soler was born in…
Morning Has Broken
“Morning has Broken” is the best known work of Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965), children’s author and poet. Eleanor was born in London, the daughter of a popular novelist at the time, Benjamin Farjeon. Known as ‘Nellie’ to her immediate family, she was a sickly child who suffered from poor eyesight and was educated at home. Her…