Category: Uncategorized
Who Wrote It?
Impromptu in Gb, Op. 90 No. 3 Franz Schubert (1797-1828) One morning, Schubert brought singer Michael Vogl several songs for his perusal. Busy at the moment, Vogl set them aside and examined them later when he had opportunity. He liked one especially, but it was too high for him, so he transposed…
The Dove Descending
“Immersed in the River of Life” W. Zeitler The Texts for this Sunday are about Jesus’ baptism, a story which follows right on the heels of Jesus’ incarnation. With that in mind, there is a sense in which His incarnation itself is a brief plunge into the river of human life. A plunge down, down,…
John the Baptist
Precatio a Cetis Magnis (Prayer of the Great Whales) W. Zeitler Improvisation on “God of the Sparrow, God of the Whales” Voluntary Latimer (1783-1724) In this morning’s Scriptures we have the story of John the Baptist — a lone wild figure in the wild-erness. The story emphasizes his wildness by pointing out that he wears…
Love & Happiness
"In His Mother's Arms for the First Time" W. Zeitler — flute & piano I well remember when I held my brand-new daughter in my arms for the very first time. And how her oh-so-tiny hand, try as it might, couldn’t wrap itself all the way around even one of my fingers. It was a…
The Power of Dreams
"The Adoration of the Magi" W.Zeitler — brass quintet and organ To me one of the noteworthy themes of the Christmas story is the prominence of dreams, and how seriously they were taken. We have Joseph’s two dreams – that it was O.K. to marry Mary after all, and that he should skip town…
Wesley Jr.
Pastorale Charles Wesley (Jr.) (1757-1834) — organ Charles Wesley (Jr.), the son of the celebrated hymn writer Charles Wesley and nephew of the Anglican clergyman and founder of Methodism John Wesley, was an infant prodigy and, at the age of three, he was compared favorably to the young Mozart. In spite of family opposition, Charles…
Toccata, Adagio & Fugue in C, BWV 564 J.S. Bach (1685-1750) — organ Bach’s first official organ post was at Arnstadt, which featured a small instrument in a small town (population 3800) and a choir director noted for leaving in the middle of the sermon to visit a wine shop. In 1705 a 20-year-old Bach…
Benedetto Marcello
Psalm 19 B. Marcello (1686-1739) Born in Venice, Benedetto Marcello was a member of a noble family. Although he was a music student of Lotti and Gasparini (famous composers of the day), his father wanted Benedetto to devote himself to law. Benedetto managed to combine a life in law and public service with one in…
Handel’s Surprise
Suite in Gm (Selections) George F. Handel (1685-1759) From his very childhood Handel had a strong propensity to music. His father, however, a barber-surgeon, had in mind for his son a more upwardly-mobile career in Law and did all he could to oppose it. Dad forbade any musical instrument in the house, and even forbade…
World Communion
"Many Mansions" W. Zeitler In modern times we have one set of characters to form numbers (the digits ‘0’ through ‘9’) and another set for letters to form words (the alphabet ‘A’ through ‘Z’). In ancient Greek and Hebrew and other ancient languages this was not so – the letters of their alphabet were used…