At the end. Among Psalms. An Ode concerning Dauid.

  1. When I would call, the God of my righteousness heard me.
    In affliction you enlarged me.
    Have compassion on me and hear my prayer.
  2. You sons of humanity, how long will you be heavy-hearted?
    Why do you agape-love futility and seek falsehood?

Musical Interlude

  1. And know that the Lord has made marvelous His devout one.
    The Lord will hear me when I have cried to Him.
  2. Be being angry, yet do not be sinning;
    Be speaking in your hearts
    And on your beds be pierced.

Musical Interlude

  1. Sacrifice a sacrifice of righteousness,
    And hope in the Lord.
  2. Many say: Who will show us good things?
    The light of your countenance was made a sign upon us, O Lord!
  3. You gave gladness in my heart
    From their season of grain and wine and oil they have multiplied.
  4. In peace altogether will I lie down and sleep
    Because you, O Lord, have settled me in hope.


Verse 1

“You enlarged me”: PLATUNŌ: to enlarge, widen. Used as in “widen one’s territory”, dilate pupils, amplify. In my own experience, hardship has definitely ‘enlarged’ me — made me stronger, wiser, more compassionate.

Verse 4

“on your beds be pierced” KATANUSSOMAI: Literally “to pierce”. So, “to pierce [the heart?]”: to experience acute emotional distress, implying both concern and regret, to be greatly troubled? See Acts 2:37.

Verse 7

“Season”: KAIROS, the ‘opportune time’

Verse 8

“settled”: KATOIKIZŌ: a compound word with OIKOS in it — a dwelling place, home.