Altogether it takes about 4.5 hours to read the entire Book of Psalms out loud. (You can verify this on YouTube: there are multiple versions of folks reading the entire Book of Psalms, all of which are 4.5 hours long more or less. Your mileage may vary, of course.) That works out to about 270 minutes. So to read the entire Book of Psalms out loud:
In a week | 39 minutes a day |
In a month | 9 minutes a day |
In a year | 45 seconds per day |
The ‘Week’ and ‘Month’ schedules are divided into ‘morning’ and ‘evening’ segments. Thus, for the monthly schedule, each morning or evening segment will take about 5 minutes.
In a Week
Sunday | None | 1-8 |
Monday | 9-24 | 25-37 |
Tuesday | 38-46 | 47-64 |
Wednesday | 65-70 | 71-85 |
Thursday | 86-91 | 92-105 |
Friday | 106-109 | 110-119 |
Saturday | 120-134 | 135-150 |
In a Month
(You might let the day of the month indicate which Psalms to read: on the 3rd of the month, read row ‘3’)
Day | Morning | Evening |
1 | 1-5 | 6-8 |
2 | 9-11 | 12-14 |
3 | 15-17 | 18 |
4 | 19-21 | 22-23 |
5 | 24-26 | 27-29 |
6 | 30-31 | 32-34 |
7 | 35-36 | 37 |
8 | 38-40 | 41-43 |
9 | 44-46 | 47-49 |
10 | 50-52 | 53-55 |
11 | 56-58 | 59-61 |
12 | 62-64 | 65-67 |
13 | 68 | 69-70 |
14 | 71-72 | 73-74 |
15 | 75-77 | 78 |
16 | 79-81 | 82-85 |
17 | 86-88 | 89 |
18 | 90-92 | 93-94 |
19 | 95-97 | 98-101 |
20 | 102-103 | 104 |
21 | 105 | 106 |
22 | 107 | 108-109 |
23 | 110-113 | 114-115 |
24 | 116-118 | 119:1-32 |
25 | 119:33-72 | 119:73-104 |
26 | 119:105-144 | 119:145-176 |
27 | 120-125 | 126-131 |
28 | 132-135 | 136-138 |
29 | 139-140 | 141-143 |
30 | 144-146 | 147-150 |
In a Year
There are 2461 verses in the Book of Psalms. So read seven verses a day.