Psalm 16

  1. A stele inscription. Pertaining to Dauid.
    Guard me, O Lord, because in you I hoped.
  2. I said to the Lord, “My Lord you are,
    because you have no need of my goodness.”
  3. To the holy ones in his land—
    he made marvelous all his will in them.
  4. Their infirmities were multiplied;
    after which they were quick;
    I will not gather their gatherings due to [spilled] blood
    or remember their names with my lips.
  5. The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup;
    you are the one restoring to me my inheritance.
  6. Boundary lines dropped for me in the most excellent places;
    and indeed, my inheritance is most excellent to me.
  7. I will bless the Lord who instructs me;
    moreover, until night my kidneys disciplined me.
  8. I was seeing the Lord always before me,
    because he is at my right, that I not be shaken.
  9. Therefore my heart was glad,
    and my tongue rejoiced;
    moreover, my flesh will encamp in hope,
  10. because you will not abandon my soul to Hades
    nor give your devout to see corruption.
  11. You made known to me ways of life.
    You will fill me with gladness with your countenance;
    in your right hand are delights, forever.