Psalm 26

  1. [Given] to Dauid.
    Vindicate me, O Lord,
    because I walked in my guilelessness,
    and since I am hoping in the Lord, I will NOT grow weak.
  2. Prove me, O Lord, and try me;
    burn [with fire] my kidneys and my heart.
  3. Because your mercy is before my eyes,
    and I was pleased in your truth.
  4. I did not sit with a council of vanity,
    and with transgressors of the law I will NOT enter;
  5. I hated the assembly of evildoers,
    and with the impious I will NOT sit.
  6. I will wash my hands in innocence
    and encircle your altar, O Lord,
  7. to hear a voice of praise
    and tell all your wondrous deeds.
  8. O Lord, I loved your house’s majesty
    and the place of the dwelling of your glory.
  9. Do not destroy my soul together with the impious
    and my soul with men of blood,
  10. in whose hands is lawlessness;
    their right hand was filled with gifts.
  11. But as for me, I walked in my guilessness;
    save me, and have mercy on me.
  12. For my foot stood in uprightness;
    in assemblies I will bless you, O Lord.