Two Monks

“Two Monks” (See the Music Box)                          W. Zeitler


Once upon a time there were two monks on a long journey from one monastery to another — an older veteran monk and a new novice. The road took them to a river. No bridge — the road simply ended at the river banks and continued on the other side. They’d have to wade across the current.

Standing in the road on the river bank was an old woman — too frail to wade across. Now, one of the rules of the monk’s order was no contact or conversation with women at all. “Inciting the flesh” and all that. Nevertheless, the older monk asked the woman if she needed help — she enthusiastically nodded ‘yes’ — and lifting her in his arms, carried her across  the current and set her down on the other side. There the road forked. Waving thanks, the woman took one road, and the monks the other.

As they continued their journey, the younger monk was clearly upset. Miles later the younger monk could contain himself no longer. “I can’t believe you violated the rules of our order not just touching, but CARRYING that — that — that woman! I can’t believe you so flagrantly violated our sacred rules!”

The older monk replied: “Have you been carrying that woman in your mind all this time? Not just bodily, but mentally I set her down miles ago.”