Author: william

  • Catholic Contributions

    Sanctuary of Faith                                               W. Zeitler [PIANO] Alchemical Cauldron                                         W. Zeitler Recently I wrote about…

  • The Promised Land

    As I mentioned last week, the Greek word translated ‘faith’ is PISTIS (“PIS-tis”), also translated ‘trust’. As used in the New Testament, ‘faith’ doesn’t mean assent to doctrines, it’s trusting that something is so, or trusting someone — to treat you well, to come through for you, etc. I personally fail to see how “believing…

  • Faith

    “We Live By Faith”                                           W. Zeitler [ORGAN] The Order of Chivalry: Justice & the Knight’s Sword               W. Zeitler In the Star Trek movie “The Wrath of Kahn”, Spock says…

  • Young Bach

    Prelude & Fugue in G (BWV 550)                                   J.S. Bach (1685-1750) [ORGAN] Offertory: On Eagles Wings               Joncas & Bliss Susan Addington: Flute, Lucy Lewis: Violin, Amy Gano: Oboe © 1979 and this arr ©…

  • The Name Above Every Name

    “The Name Above Every Name”                    W. Zeitler [ORGAN] Canzona                                D. Buxtehude (1637-1707) Since there isn’t a consonant ‘J’ sound in Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek, it’s safe to say that ‘Jesus’ wasn’t…

  • In The Beginning

    Since we’re beginning a new year, I thought we might consider the Mother of All Beginnings — namely “In The Beginning…”. The Gospel of John famously begins “In the beginning was the Word…” Now, the Greek word for ‘Word’ here is LOGOS. ‘Word’ is actually a terrible translation for LOGOS — but there isn’t really…

  • Alchemical Transformations: 3. Citrinitas (Surprise)

    Alchemical Transformation: 3. Citrinitas (Surprise)       W. Zeitler  [PIANO] Advent Meditation The last two weeks we’ve discussed the transformation of lead into gold in Medieval Alchemy, including the metaphorical transformation of the human heart from its default ‘leaden’ state into the ‘gold’ of Enlightenment or Oneness with God. Commonly this was described as taking…

  • Alchemical Transformations: 4. Rubedo (Fulfillment)

    Alchemical Transformations: 4. Rubedo (“Fulfillment”) [PIANO] Advent Meditation With ‘Rubedo’ we pull together the Darkness, the Winnowing, and the Surprise of the first three steps and put them together into a completed Wholeness. When talking about Spirituality, we’re talking about things that are literally Not Of This (Physical) World. Thus, in order to talk about…

  • Alchemical Transformation: 1. Nigredo (Darkness)

    Alchemical Transformation: 1. Nigredo (‘Darkness’) W. Zeitler [PIANO] Advent Improvisation Alchemy is an ancient philosophical and proto-scientific tradition historically practiced in China, India, the Muslim world, and Europe. Alchemists attempted to purify, mature, and perfect certain materials. Common aims were the transmutation of “base metals” (e.g., lead) into “noble metals” (like gold); the creation of…

  • Alchemical Transformations: 2. Albedo (Purification)

    Alchemical Transformations: 2. Albedo (Purification) [PIANO] Advent Improvisation Last week we discussed the transformation of lead into gold in Medieval Alchemy, including the metaphorical transformation of the human heart from its default ‘leaden’ state into Enlightenment or Oneness with God. Commonly this was described as taking place in four steps. The first step is ‘Nigredo’…