Author: william

  • The Great Schism

    It has been observed that the Church has gone through a major upheaval roughly every 500 years. We discussed two of them a few months ago: the Reformation roughly 1500, and Constantine and the Council of Nicaea roughly 300. The last to consider is the “Great Schism” which occurred in 1054. As we have observed,…

  • Church and State

    Chaconne                       D. Buxtehude (1637-1707)   [ORGAN] Order of Chivalry: Courtesy & the Horse’s Bridle                  W. Zeitler It has been observed that The Church has gone through a major upheaval every 500 years or so. The Reformation — around…

  • Division and Union

    Prelude in E                                                  Bach-maninoff [PIANO] (J.S. Bach, arr. by S. Rachmaninoff) Fugue in C                                   …

  • Erasmus

    Secret Courage W. Zeitler [PIANO] Order of Chivalry: Truth W. Zeitler During the Reformation, while both sides where going at it, there were dissenting voices who sought a peaceful resolution. One of the most prominent was Erasmus (1466 – 1536), a Dutch philosopher and Catholic theologian who is considered one of the greatest scholars of…

  • Reformation Sunday

    Symphonic Meditation on “Ein’ Feste Burg” [ORGAN] The Black Death — the worst pandemic in human history — first struck Europe around 1343. Although spread around Europe by ships carrying plague infested rats, there is evidence that it could also be spread airborne. Whereas COVID had a mortality rate somewhere around 1 in 1000, the…

  • The Dance of Life and Death

    The Dance of Life and Death

    In many cases, seeming opposites are actually ‘dance partners’ in the never ending flow of the Cosmos. Protons are positively charged, electrons negatively so, and their balanced pairing is what holds atoms together and makes all the matter in the universe possible. The force of gravity by the Sun on our planet is balanced by…

  • Mystery


    Here in the West we tend to think that we largely have The World figured out — well enough to live comfortable, predictable and safe lives — that WE are in control. And that Mystery and Paradox are exceptions, outliers, ‘not the norm’. Anymore I wonder if we have that backwards, that Mystery and Paradox…

  • I Am the Resurrection

    Lotus Moon                          W. Zeitler Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Postlude The statement “I am ” is trickier than appears on first glance. When you say “I AM <X>” you’re saying that <X> is part of your essence. The word “Essence” is from…

  • Lux Aeterna

    I read an article this week by Ethan Siegel Ph.D., astrophysicist, writing about photons. He notes that in our expanding Universe, for billion upon billions of years, the photon seems to be one of the very few particle types that has an apparently infinite lifetime. Photons are the quanta that make up light, and in…

  • The Alchemical Crucible

    The Alchemical Crucible                            W. Zeitler [ORGAN] (a new piece) Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven Chivalrous Virtues: Hope and the Knight’s Dagger                     W. Zeitler Alchemy is described as a medieval forerunner of…