- A Psalm. Pertaining to Dauid.
To you, O Lord, I lifted up my soul, O my God. - In you I trust; may I not be put to shame,
nor let my enemies laugh at me. - Indeed, those who wait for you shall NOT be put to shame;
let those who are foolishly lawless be shamed. - Make known to me, O Lord, your ways,
and teach me your paths. - Guide me to your truth,
and teach me, because you are God, my savior,
and for you I waited all day long. - Remember your acts of compassion, O Lord,
and your mercies, because they are from forever. - The sins of my youth and my acts of ignorance do not remember;
because of your mercy, remember me,
for the sake of your kindness, O Lord! - Kind and upright is the Lord;
therefore he will set a law for people sinning in the way. - He will guide the meek in justice;
he will teach the meek his ways. - All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth
for those seeking his covenant and his testimonies. - For the sake of your name, O Lord—
and you will pardon my sin, for it is great. - Who is the person fearing the Lord?
He will set a law for him in the way he chose. - His soul will lodge in goodness,
and his seed will inherit land. - The Lord is empowerment for those fearing him,
and the name of the Lord is for those fearing him,
and his covenant is for making clear to them. - My eyes are ever toward the Lord,
because it is he that will pull my feet out of a snare. - Look upon me and have mercy on me,
because I am an only child and poor. - The afflictions of my heart were enlarged;
forgive me all my sins. - See my humiliation and my trouble,
and forgive all my sins. - Behold my enemies, that they multiplied,
and with unjust hatred they hated me. - O guard my soul, and deliver me;
may I not be put to shame, because I hoped in you. - The innocent and upright attached themselves to me,
because I waited for you. - Redeem Israel, O God,
out of all its afflictions.