Author: william

  • Psalm 14

    At the end. A Psalm. Pertaining to Dauid. The fool said in his heart, “There is no God.” They caused corruption and were loathsome in their pursuits; there is no one practicing kindness; there is not even one. The Lord bent down from heaven to see the sons of humanity to see if there be…

  • Psalm 13

    At the end. A Psalm. Pertaining to Dauid. How long, O Lord, will you completely forget me? How long will you turn your countenance from me? Until when shall I hold counsels in my soul, have sorrows in my heart by day? How will shall my enemy be exalted over me? Look upon, hearken to…

  • So Great a Cloud of Copyists

    One of the cornerstones of the Reformation is the phrase “Sola Scriptura” — Latin for “Only Scripture.” The idea was that instead of relying on the authority of the [Catholic] Church for matters of faith and doctrine, we should rely on Scripture alone. So let’s pause a moment and consider what has made the availability…

  • Reading through the Psalms

    Altogether it takes about 4.5 hours to read the entire Book of Psalms out loud. (You can verify this on YouTube: there are multiple versions of folks reading the entire Book of Psalms, all of which are 4.5 hours long more or less. Your mileage may vary, of course.) That works out to about 270…

  • The Purpose of Meditation

    The purpose of meditation is not to gain new knowledge, but to live in acquired knowledge. The discovery of new thought content is not the goal of meditation: the object is to bring thought content down into the life of feeling and volition. The goal of meditation is to make a truth the content of…

  • Psalm 12

    At the end. Over the eighth. A Psalm. Pertaining to Dauid. Save me, O Lord, a devout one has failed, because truths became scarce among the sons of humanity. Each spoke vanities to his neighbor; lips are deceitful, in the heart and in the heart they spoke. May the Lord destroy all deceitful lips and…

  • Thought for the Day

    To say ‘Yes’ to something is to say ‘No’ to something else.

  • Psalm 11

    At the end. A Psalm. Pertaining to Dauid. In the Lord I have trusted; how will you say to my soul, “Flee to the mountains like a sparrow”? Because, behold, sinners bent a bow; they prepared arrows for the quiver, to shoot in the darkness at the upright in heart, because what you fashioned they…

  • Psalm 9/10

    At the end. Over the secrets of the son. A Psalm. Pertaining to Dauid. I will acknowledge you, O Lord, with my whole heart; I describe all your wonders. I will be glad and will rejoice in you; I will sing a psalm to your name, O Most High. When my enemy turns back, rearwards,…

  • Psalm 8

    At the end. Over the wine vats. A Psalm. Pertaining to Dauid. O Lord, our Lord, how marvelous is your name in all the earth. Out of the mouths of infants and nurslings you have brought forth praise, because of your enemies to put down the enemy and avenger, because I will observe the heavens,…