Author: william

  • Psalm 7

    A Psalm pertaining to Dauid, which he sang to the Lord because of the words of Chousi son of Iemeni. O Lord my God, in you I hoped;save me from all pursuing me, and rescue me, lest he like a lion seize my soul,there being no one redeeming me or saving me. O Lord my…

  • Thought for the Day

    The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously.

  • Psalm 6

    At the end. Among hymns. Over the eighth. A Psalm. Pertaining to Dauid. O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger,nor discipline me in your wrath. Have mercy on me, O Lord, because I am weak;heal me, O Lord, because my bones were troubled, and my soul was troubled greatly.And you, O Lord —…

  • Psalm 5

    At the end. Over her that inherits. A Psalm of Dauid. Give ear to my words, O Lord;understand my cry. Attend to the voice of my petitionmy King and my God,Because to you I will pray, O Lord. In the morning you will hear my voice,in the morning I will present myself to you and…

  • Bonhoeffer: Lying Destroys Community

    Source: German Federal Archive Dietrich Bonhoeffer from his Cost of Discipleship: Because the first and last concern of truthfulness is the revealing of persons in their whole being, in their evilness before God, such truthfulness is resisted by the sinner. That is why it is persecuted and crucified. The truthfulness of the disciples has its sole…

  • Psalm 4

    At the end. Among Psalms. An Ode concerning Dauid. When I would call, the God of my righteousness heard me. In affliction you enlarged me. Have compassion on me and hear my prayer. You sons of humanity, how long will you be heavy-hearted? Why do you agape-love futility and seek falsehood? Musical Interlude  And know…

  • “You Will Be As Gods, Knowing Good and Evil”

    For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.— Gen. 3:15, KJV Once there was a farmer who worked his poor farm together with his son and their horse. When the horse ran off one day, neighbors…

  • Psalm 3

    A Psalm. To Dauid, when he was running away before the face of Abessalom his son. O Lord, why did those afflicting me multiply? Many arise against me. Many say to my soul, There is no deliverance for him in his God. Musical Interlude But you, O Lord, are my protector, my glory, and the…

  • Psalm 2

    Why did the nations rage, and the peoples contemplate empty things? The kings of the earth stood together and the rulers gathered together Against the Lord and against his anointed-one. Musical Interlude Let us burst their bonds And cast their yoke from us. The one dwelling in the heavens will laugh at them, The Lord…

  • ‘Selah’

    There’s a curious word that occurs 74 times in the Psalms and three times in Habbakuk. It’s so problematic that many translations, starting with the King James, don’t even try to translate it, they just transliterate it — phonetically spell it into English: ‘selah’. The meaning of the word is not known, though various interpretations…